Saturday, July 27, 2024

SUDBURY, CANADA — Despite the Sudbury five taking a comfortable lead in the first half last night Windsor Express won the game at the Sudbury Arena.

Express took control of the 3rd and 4th quarter  last night by spreading out the play and making valuable points. The Five fought back in the 4th quarter gaining some ground and quickly bringing up their score but, unfortunately, were not able to make enough shots to beat Express in the final few minutes.

Brady Skeens (L) of Sudbury Five tries to steal the ball from Ryan Anderson (R) of Windsor Express during Five’s Game 13 of the season against Windsor Express at Sudbury Arena in Sudbury, Ontario. PHOTOS: Phamai Techaphan/PHTNews

With a final score of 119-125 to Windsor Express, The Five are now focusing on their next game which hosts the Halifax Hurricanes. 

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